program TSTFDmovfix; uses crt, dos; type fourbyte = array [1..4] of byte; hfile = array [1..12] of byte; fileinmix = Record name:string[20]; ID:fourbyte; end; const intr0:fileinmix = (name: 'intr0.vqa'; ID: ($25, $70, $42, $B1)); intr1:fileinmix = (name: 'intr1.vqa'; ID: ($BB, $70, $E8, $7D)); intro:fileinmix = (name: 'intro.vqa'; ID: ($19, $F3, $32, $C4)); fullHeader:hfile = ($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); hardsilent:boolean=false; hardmode:integer=3; // 1=write // 2=undo // 3=toggle var mode,hack1done,hack2done:integer; beta,silent:boolean; f:file; procedure cntin; var pause: char; begin writeln; writeln('Press any key to continue.'); repeat until keypressed; pause:=ReadKey(); end; {cntin} function openFile(filename:String) : boolean; var status:integer; begin assign(f,filename); {$I-} reset(f,1); status:=IOResult; if status<>0 then begin writeln(); writeln(); writeln('Error opening "',filename,'".'); writeln(); openFile:=false; {$I+} end else openFile:=true; end; {openFile} procedure CloseFile(); begin close(f); {$I+} end; function hfile2fourbyte(data:hfile):fourbyte; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to 4 do hfile2fourbyte[i]:=data[i]; end; function fourbyte2int(data:fourbyte):longword; var i:integer; begin fourbyte2int:=0; for i:=4 downto 1 do fourbyte2int:=fourbyte2int*$100+data[i]; end; function hfile2int(data:hfile):longword; begin hfile2int:=fourbyte2int(hfile2fourbyte(data)); end; function fourbyte2hexstr(hex:fourbyte):string; var i:integer; begin fourbyte2hexstr:=''; for i:=4 downto 1 do begin if ((hex[i] div 16) >=10) then fourbyte2hexstr:=fourbyte2hexstr+char((hex[i] div 16)+55) else fourbyte2hexstr:=fourbyte2hexstr+char((hex[i] div 16)+48); if ((hex[i] mod 16) >=10) then fourbyte2hexstr:=fourbyte2hexstr+char((hex[i] mod 16)+55) else fourbyte2hexstr:=fourbyte2hexstr+char((hex[i] mod 16)+48); end; end; function hfile2hexstr(hex:hfile):string; begin hfile2hexstr:=fourbyte2hexstr(hfile2fourbyte(hex)); end; procedure rewriteHeader(filenm:String); var i,j,files,usedindex:integer; actual:word; size: array[1..2] of byte; oldheader: array [1..255] of hfile; newheader: array [1..255] of hfile; begin usedindex:=1; if not silent then write('Rewriting MIX header of file: ',filenm); {} if beta then writeln(); if (openFile(filenm)) then begin seek(f,4); blockread(f,size,2,actual); files:=size[1]+size[2]*$100; if beta then writeln('Number of files: ',files); {} if beta then cntin; for i:=1 to files do Begin seek(f,10+((i-1)*12)); blockread(f,oldheader[i],12,actual); {} if beta then writeln (hfile2hexstr(oldheader[i])); if (oldheader[i][4] >= $80) then oldheader[i][4]:=oldheader[i][4]-$80 else oldheader[i][4]:=oldheader[i][4]+$80; end; if beta then writeln('Header read.'); {} if beta then cntin; for i:=1 to files do begin newheader[i]:=fullHeader; usedindex:=1; for j:=1 to files do begin { if beta then writeln (i,' ',j,' - ',hfile2hexstr(newheader[i]),' - ',hfile2hexstr(oldheader[j])); //} { if beta then cntin; //} if (hfile2int(newheader[i])> hfile2int(oldheader[j])) then begin newheader[i]:=oldheader[j]; usedindex:=j; end; end; {} if beta then writeln (hfile2hexstr(newheader[i])); oldheader[usedindex]:=fullHeader; end; {} if beta then writeln('Initial sort done.'); {} if beta then cntin; for i:=1 to files do Begin if (newheader[i][4] >= $80) then newheader[i][4]:=newheader[i][4]-$80 else newheader[i][4]:=newheader[i][4]+$80; {} if beta then writeln (hfile2hexstr(newheader[i])); End; {} if beta then writeln('Header sorted.'); {} if beta then cntin; for i:=1 to files do begin seek(f,10+((i-1)*12)); blockwrite(f,newheader[i],12,actual); {} if beta then writeln (hfile2hexstr(newheader[i])); end; {} if not beta and not silent then write(' - '); if not silent then writeln('Header saved.'); CloseFile(); end; end; {rewriteHeader} function hackdat(filenm:String;orig:fileinmix;replace:fileinmix):integer; var i,j,files:integer; fixed:boolean; actual:word; size: array[1..2] of byte; ID:fourbyte; begin hackdat:=-1; fixed:=false; writeln('Patching file: ',filenm); write('Replacing filename "',,'" by "',,'"'); {} if beta then writeln(); {} if beta then writeln('(replacing file ID "',fourbyte2hexstr(orig.ID),'" by "',fourbyte2hexstr(replace.ID),'")'); if (openFile(filenm)) then begin seek(f,4); blockread(f,size,2,actual); files:=size[1]+size[2]*$100; if beta then writeln('Number of files: ',files); {} if beta then cntin; i:=1; while (i<=files) and (fixed<>true) do Begin seek(f,10+((i-1)*12)); blockread(f,ID,4,actual); {} if beta then writeln(fourbyte2hexstr(ID),' - ',fourbyte2hexstr(orig.ID)); if (ID[4] = orig.ID[4]) then begin {} if beta then writeln('index ',i,': first byte matches. Checking full ID...'); fixed:=true; for j:=1 to 3 do if (ID[j]<>orig.ID[j]) then fixed:=false; {} if beta and (not fixed) then writeln('No match.'); end; if (fixed=true) then begin {} if beta then writeln('Match found.'); seek(f,10+((i-1)*12)); blockwrite(f,replace.ID,4,actual); end else i:=i+1; end; if (fixed) then begin {} if not beta then write(' - '); writeln('Done!'); {} if beta then cntin; hackdat:=1; end else begin {} if not beta then write(' - '); writeln('Data not found.'); {} if beta then cntin; hackdat:=0; end; CloseFile(); end; end; {hackdat} procedure exec(); begin if (mode=1) then begin hack1done:=hackdat('movies01.mix',intr0,intro); hack2done:=hackdat('movies02.mix',intr1,intro); if (hack1done=0) and (hack2done=0) then begin writeln; writeln('Filenames not found: mixfiles are already patched.'); end; end else if (mode=2) then begin hack1done:=hackdat('movies01.mix',intro,intr0); hack2done:=hackdat('movies02.mix',intro,intr1); if (hack1done=0) and (hack2done=0) then begin writeln; writeln('Filenames not found: nothing to undo.'); end; end else begin hack1done:=hackdat('movies01.mix',intr0,intro); hack2done:=hackdat('movies02.mix',intr1,intro); if (hack1done=0) and (hack2done=0) then begin writeln; writeln('Filenames not found in mixfiles: reverting to original names.'); writeln; hack1done:=hackdat('movies01.mix',intro,intr0); hack2done:=hackdat('movies02.mix',intro,intr1); end; end; if ((hack1done=1) or (hack2done=1)) and not silent then writeln; if (hack1done=1) then rewriteHeader('movies01.mix'); if (hack2done=1) then rewriteHeader('movies02.mix'); if not silent then cntin; end; {exec} procedure checkparams(); var param:byte; modetmp,i:integer; nodisplayset,nomodeset:boolean; begin nomodeset:=true; nodisplayset:=true; for i:=1 to ParamCount do begin param:=byte(ParamStr(i)[1]); modetmp:=param-$30; if ((mode=0) and (modetmp>0) and (modetmp<9)) then begin nomodeset:=false; mode:=modetmp; end else if (ParamStr(i) = 'beta') then begin nodisplayset:=false; silent:=false; beta:=true; end else if nodisplayset and ((char(param) = 's') or (char(param+$20) = 's')) then begin nodisplayset:=false; silent:=true; end else if nomodeset and ((char(param) = 'w') or (char(param) = 'W')) then begin nomodeset:=false; mode:=1; end else if nomodeset and ((char(param) = 'u') or (char(param) = 'U')) then begin nomodeset:=false; mode:=2; end else if nomodeset and ((char(param) = 't') or (char(param) = 'T')) then begin nomodeset:=false; mode:=3; end; end; end; {checkparams} begin mode:=hardmode; silent:=hardsilent; if ParamCount <> 0 then checkparams(); exec(); end.